It’s raining!
It’s 120 degrees in the shade!
The Aquatic Center gym is closed for a special event!
The Ark Center has 3 courts, but that old floor has so many dead spots!
One thing is clear, Lake Havasu City needs more INDOOR PICKLEBALL COURTS! Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in America and LHC has hundreds of players. LHC needs more indoor courts so that residents and tourists can exercise and socialize over pickleball.
The LHCPBA Board of Directors conducted a survey during the first two weeks of January 2024 asking members to prioritize courts enhancements for both indoor and outdoor facilities. There were 185 responses. Lighting on four courts at Dick Samp Park was the number one priority. New flooring at the Ark Center and an additional permanent bathroom at the outdoor pickleball complex were tied for second.
Lighting the courts and the addition of a second bathroom are in before the City of Lake Havasu. . The Association asked the City to add funding for a bathroom in the 2024 CIP budget since the City will have to manage the bid and construction at a public park.
Funding for lighting has already been raised by the LHCPBA and the project is currently listed in the City 2023 CIP budget. The Association is working with the City Parks & Recreation Department to get the for bid and construction process started.
Now the LHCPBA is formally kicking off our fundraising campaign replace the floor at the Ark Center with an epoxy sports court coating. The church, Stonebridge Christian Fellowship, does not have the funds to do the work, but is grateful and supportive of LHCPBA’s efforts to improve the facility. LHCPBA leadership has received two separate bids of $35,000 and has selected a contractor.
The Ark Center is currently open five days a week for morning open play and, after the new floor is installed, the plan is to add more sessions. The only other indoor facility for pickleball play, the Aquatic Center, offers pickleball only a few times a month, so it will be fantastic to offer Monday – Friday multiple play times at the Ark Center especially during the summer and when there is inclement weather.
President Janie Morris recently reached out to Anderson Auto Group to promote the Ark Flooring Project and the community benefits of providing a space for people of all ages to come to gather and stay active by playing pickleball. The Auto Group presented the LHCPBA with a donation commitment from Anderson Toyota of $5,000 for the project!!
Because LHCPBA members have made donations to the Ark Center project, to date $9,245 has been raised including the recent donation from Anderson Toyota. This means LHCPBA has only about $25,000 left to raise.
Here’s How You Can Help
If you would like to be part of this exciting project and help improve the pickleball play experience at the Ark Center you can make a cash donation.
Direct Donation with Tax Write-off
To donate money to our Association for the Ark Flooring Project and receive a tax write-off, the donation needs to be made our sister organization, Lake Havasu Pickleball Courts, our 501(c)(3) organization. Please write Ark Floor in your check comments.
The donation levels are as follows:
Let’s do this! Donate to something you and many others can enjoy for many years to come. This Project is something that you can look at with pride and knowing you helped make it happen!
Another Way to Donate and Save on Taxes!
Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD). Taxpayers over 70.5 years of age are subject to Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) on traditional IRAs. These distributions are 100% taxable and could increase tax liability substantially. Donors can do a QCD by instructing their IRA trustees to mail the RMD $ (or more) directly to Lake Havasu Pickleball Courts, Inc at the address below. This method reduces taxable income dollar for dollar and may place donors in a lower tax bracket. Another plus: it’s available to those who don’t itemize deductions.
Canadian citizens, although there are no tax benefits, you too can enjoy that warm fuzzy feeling you get from donating to a great cause. Your toonies and loonies are most welcome and much appreciated!
Make your checks out to Lake Havasu Pickleball Courts and mail them to Lake Havasu Courts, PO Box 192, Lake Havasu City, AZ 86405, or give them to any board member.
Thanks again for your generosity!
Janie Morris, President
Lake Havasu City Pickleball Association
SMITHS Award/Donation Program
Do you shop at Smith’s? If so, please register for their Inspiring Donations Program and designate Lake Havasu Courts as your charity of choice. After registering, a donation will be made to ‘Courts’ each time you use your Rewards card, a painless method of helping fund more courts at DSP. Also, the Rewards card will enable you to take advantage of discounts on hundreds of in-store items. This is a win-win opportunity! The link below explains how to get a Rewards card and register for the Inspiring Donations.
Program:http://lakehavasupickleball.com/Smiths Several merchants have similar donation programs. Please check with those you frequent and see if Lake Havasu Courts is eligible for their program.